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September 2017

September Monthly Newsletter

The schoolyear has started, and I hope yours is going well! If not, here’s something to read while


Status Report is going great, with 22 Pearl fics in the last month (17 of which I would read, looking at

the summary).

-There are some exceptionally good ones out there, I suggest that you guys go take a

look., against everyone’s expectations, seems to actually be coming back! Go Pearlshipping!

-The Vault has seen slight improvement over the last month. There are even a few debates again!

Discord is active as ever. (See previous newsletter for invite)

I really think Pearl can make a comeback, especially with the probable release of DP remakes in thenear future. Keep on shipping!

Fanction of the Month

Humble Beginnings by Guardian of Nesh

It may have just one chapter so far, but it’s already sucked me in. The

setting is denitely there, and the sentences ow together very well.


Go read it!


I haven’t been able to finish the Fanfiction Database as promised

(Databases are surprisingly difficult to create), but we still need someone

for story help, so if you want to help, feel free to send me a message on

Pearlshipping Vault (username frosty).

Pearlshippy things to do

- Go read our Fanfiction of the Month

- Discuss stuff on Serebii

- Write a fic yourself

Next newsletter’s gonna be scary, it’s just one more month to Halloween!

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