Submit your stuff!

We would love to
feature your work on DataCore!
Submit Testimonies

Can you answer these questions?​
Were you always a Pearlshipper?
If not, what made you change your mind?
What were your first impressions of Pearlshipping?
Why are you a Pearlshipper?
How long have you been a Pearlshipper?
What would you advise potential Pearlshippers?
Or maybe you just have a lot to say about why you're a Pearlshipper!
Every Pearlshipping journey is different, and that is why we're interested to know yours!
NB: You can also add your favourite Pearlshipping image to be included in your testimony! If it is fanart, please make sure you include the name of the artist.
Please send all works to:
...or contact any staff member on our forum!
*Please include a pen name for
all original works! *
works for the Gallery
Fanart can either be submitted to our viewing gallery, our monthly newsletter or both. Please state which when you submit work.
There are no artistic requirements apart from that the art is Pearlshipping! You can submit your own work or another artist's work, provided you have their permission.
You can also suggest some Pearlshipping art senpais for the fanartist profile links section.
There is no "Poem of the Month" segment but we do feature them in our Gallery. Sending method as per testimonies.

You can also send your work to our dropbox:
Upload password: sendmebacon

Tell us your story!
Showcase your creativity!
'... of the mOnth' Segment

We have a Fanart, Fanfiction and AMV section of the month in the newsletter. We only take submissions of original work, or work from an active author/artist/producer.
To submit your own work, all you need in addition is a small paragraph about yourself and your fanwork.
Send us online hosted links on our Contact Us page
We will put ALL works we receive on DataCore to publicise your awesomeness, unless you happen to have something inappropriate, such as nudity, racism, discrimination of any kind, violence & of course anything promoting a ship other than Pearlshipping!