DP and BW, Parallel Pairs Part 2
These next hints are a continuation of Ash and Cilan both reacting to Dawn and Iris respectively. This time, however, these scenes involve Ash and Cilan reacting because of something warming their female said. While these two events are not as similar, these two moments prove the overall point and parallel that Ash reacts to Dawn just as Cilan reacts to Iris. In the episode And Then There Were Three, Ash suffers a loss against Trip and his Serperior in the finals. Cilan tells Ash the same thing he told him after Cilan lost to Serperior: Serperior was just too strong. However, after Cilan tells Ash this, he doesn’t feel any better and he doesn’t even react to Cilan’s comment. Right after, Dawn then makes her encouraging remark to cheer Ash up. And boy does Dawn’s words have an effect on Ash. Dawn tells Ash “But Pignite sure showed everyone its courage and strength”. During the episode, the camera then focuses on Pikachu, Piplup, Axew, and Meloetta trying to making Ash feel better, but the Pokémon are NOT the reason Ash feels better. Ash responds with the word “Right!”; this is a direct reaction to Dawn’s comment. Ash continues with “We’re going to get stronger and stronger, and then we’re going to beat Serperior. It is noted that Ash actually does beat Serperior in the Unova League after Ash makes that statement thanks to Dawn’s words. Furthermore, Iris says “Dawn’s right”, which further highlights the fact that it was Dawn’s words that made Ash feel better. Out of everyone in the room, it was only Dawn that Ash reacted to and it was Dawn specifically that made Ash feel better. Dawn ends with “That’s the Ash I know!” Dawn is obviously concerned about Ash’s well being.

As you may recall, Iris called Cilan a pain in the episode Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo, deeply affecting Cilan. If you don’t take Cilan’s feelings for Iris seriously, then consider how long Cilan is moping in the corner for after Iris’s remark. He is basically in deep sorrow for the next 2 minutes 40 seconds, which is the length of the entire battle between Larvitar and Cubchoo. And why? It’s not because of Dawn or Ash, but solely because of Iris. Cilan wanted Iris’s approval without a doubt, and he became sad when Iris disapproved him for being a pain. After the battle, Ash, Dawn, and Iris tell Chris that going on a journey is how to learn how to battle and make new friends. Of course, Iris makes the comment “You also meet people who can be a pain”. But immediately after, she says, “But that’s what makes it fun, right Cilan?” This shows that Iris still enjoys how fun Cilan is despite his drawbacks. In the same episode, Iris also tells Dawn that Cilan is a great cook and really dependable in the same episode; this reveals more of the traits Iris likes about Cilan.

As soon as Iris says “Right Cilan?”, Cilan immediately perks up from his sadness. He literally explodes from sadness to being overjoyed as Iris redeemed him and gave him the approval he wanted. The same person that made Cilan sad also made Cilan happy. Simply put, Cilan deeply cares about Iris. Iris made Cilan feel better just as Dawn made Ash feel better.

It is also notable that while Iris is talking about pains with her eyes turned away, Dawn is simply just happily smiling and staring at Ash. Notice how Dawn didn’t move her attention as Iris was talking about ‘pains’. Also, consider the fact that Dawn may have thought Ash was a ‘pain’ when he did ‘childish’ actions. Because Dawn did not say anything about Ash being a pain even after the teasing she has done, this could mean that Dawn feels the same way. Just as Iris cares for Cilan regardless of his faults, Dawn also cares deeply for Ash no matter what his flaws may be.

(And remember what Ash said about Dawn's smile? "Your smile is always there!") In conclusion, Ash and Cilan both reacted to Dawn and Iris respectively. These two moments were Ash and Cilan reacting in a positive sense this time. Read more: http://pearlshipping-datacore.webnode.com/news/ash-and-dawn-iris-and-cilan/