You are the one, an irreplaceable friend.
ONE is the ending theme used in the Japanese version of movie 11, Giratina And The Sky Warrior. It is advisable that you read the analysis of Where The Lost Ones Go, first, since this ending more or less carries on from the message it carries.
Section 1
I see you chatting away with friends
Wind, please don’t take him away
Ah, to somewhere beyond time
The future within mirage
I can’t see it yet
As we will become adults,
Where will we end up?
This song is sang by Crystal Kay, who's female. We can safely assume that this song is sang probably from Dawn's viewpoint, since there are no other two characters in the film that this can apply to. Now, this is where it gets interesting. "Wind, please don't take him away" This follows on from the previous ending, where Dawn is worried that the wind will blow her away. Now that they've grown closer during the Battle Dimension series, obviously she's a lot more reluctant. She is looking ahead to see what will happen when they're adults. It also reinforces the point that in the Pokeverse, there's no way to tell what will happen.
Section 2
You are the one
As an irreplaceable friend
And someone more than that
You gently give me the strength to move forward
For that, I love you
With a feeling that will never change
With this heart that never lies
I just want to tell you, "Thank you, my one"
This section speaks for itself. This chorus is also very much a reflectory of Pearlshipping. Ash does give Dawn the strength to move forward, it has been shown many a time, that when Dawn feels down, it has been Ash that has inspired her to carry on again, most noticably in "Tanks For The Memories" and "Crossing The Battle Line."
This chorus also shows that Dawn will always love Ash, despite the controversial events of "Four Roads Diverged At A Pokemon Port". Although that episode is AFTER this song's featuring in the movie, music is timeless.
It's interesting. In the last theme for Movie 10, it is the male voice that says "You are the one". Now, this song, supposedly in Dawn's point of view, says it again. It shows that the feeling here is mutual, spanning both the movies and therefore two seasons of the anime.
Section 3
Surely, I expect to see you tomorrow
I travel in times believing so
Ah, to somewhere beyond dreams
The word called "destiny",
I don’t understand it yet
Because you are so radiant
I’m hesitating a little
Dawn has often been shown to been in awe of Ash's enthusiasm and skill as a trainer, which she explicity mentions during the very episode "Four Roads Diverged At A Pokemon Port." Now, she's not sure of the future here, and that holds true for the wider picture of Pearlshipping. "Destiny"? It gives the impression that somehow, Ash and Dawn will meet again.
Section 4
You are the one
The shapeless promise
And the memory greater than that
I can still believe in them
Even at night when we are far away
With a feeling that makes up nothing
With this heart that is always stronger
I just want to stay like this, crying the same tears
This just shows that Ash and Dawn are still thinking about each other, despite what Amourshippers might think. Again, the proclaimation of "You are the one" just highlights Pearlshipping.
Section 5
Thousands of flower petals come pouring down
On us
You are the one
As an irreplaceable friend
And someone more than that
You gently give me the strength to move forward
For that, I love you
With a feeling that will never change
With this heart that never lies
I just want to tell you, "Thank you, my one"
The first two lines are very, very interesting. Surely we know it's Ash and Dawn now! This very thing happened in the actual movie. I'm sure you know the scene where Ash and Dawn watch the Shaymin fly off, with petals raining down on them. There's your proof right there.
And we end on the heartwarming repeat of the chorus.